Wednesday 28 June 2017

Spirit Music

I waited
And I'm waiting again.
And dreaming
As I did then
Long ago.

Far away I had
The same dream.
Now, it's a new day.
And, again you show me
A wisp of  reality.

But you play with my dreams
As you play with your music.
Making for me a lovely melody
That's lost on the wind
And forgotten

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Solstice Chatter

"What time's the Solstice?"
"It's tomorrow;" said triumphantly.
"No, I mean the exact time."
Now, I get that look.
And, of course, I can't say why it matters.
But it does.
Perhaps the wheel turns faster?
No, there'd be trouble if it did.
There might be a shimmer in the air,
or, maybe, a fluttering of leaves?
Anyway, the earth does know somehow.
I'm sure of it and I'm determined.
"What time is the Solstice exactly?"